Two HP chamber orders in the first week of September

Bluetest is happy to announce its third order from Japan for High Performance (HP) reverberation chamber no. 13 and its fourth HP chamber order in Europe, i.e. for HP chamber no 14. These chambers will be Bluetest chambers no. 27 and 28 to be installed worldwide. During 2008 the interest from wireless companies all over the world in Bluetest´s unique technology has increased significantly. The main reasons are the 1) very fast and accurate measurements, 2) ease of use and 3) small size and cost of the chambers.

Bluetest has among its customers 6 of the world's large mobile phone manufacturers, 2 of the world´s largest operators, many developers of small antennas, 5 universities, 2 test institutes, and many other wireless companies. The customers so far can be found in Europe (11), North America (3), South America (1), and Asia (8).