Innovative OTA evaluation of complex 5G components
Bluetest is happy to announce that the paper "A Dual-Fed PIFA Antenna Element with Non-Symmetric Impedance Matrix for High-Efficiency Doherty Transmitters: Integrated Design and OTA-characterization" was accepted for publication in the prestigious journal IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. The work in the paper was mainly done by the two main authors, Oleg Iupikov and William Hallberg, both with Chalmers University of Technology. Bluetest contributed with OTA characterization of the novel devices in our RTS65 reverberation test systems.
We are happy to participate in these types of innovative research projects which help us to understand where the future of wireless is heading. The highly integrated design presented in the paper is an excellent example of the technology trends in 5G in terms of integration and power efficiency.Explains Bluetest CTO, Robert Rehammar and continues:
This type of integrated devices, where no connector interface between antenna and power amplifier is available, really show the importance of high accuracy OTA measurements. Modern power amplifier architectures such as the Doherty configuration used in this paper, are very efficient and to find the last percents of loss sets very high demands on the measurement uncertainty.