Bluetest puts great emphasis on environmental awareness and protection. Bluetest comply with applicable legal requirements, such as the Environmental Code (Miljöbalken, SFS 2008:808) regarding environmental aspects, but seek to proactively develop and exceed the environmental demands from the organization, our customers and partners. With changing habits and by systematically selecting energy efficient equipment and keeping track of energy-related behavior, the energy consumption can be dramatically reduced.
This environmental policy is communicated to all employees within the company, and is reviewed and updated every second year. It is the responsibility of every employee to comply with the procedures that Bluetest has set up for its environmental work.
Bluetest have identified the following areas as their main environmental challenges:
The Company’s operations are in offices, workshops and laboratories. During the daily work various types of waste arises; paper, packaging, electronics, fluorescent lamps and batteries. The Company strives to reduce the amount of waste, and existing waste is recycled in designated manners.
For all purchasing /procurement of products, environmental aspects are weighed in as a parameter. When possible, purchased products should have one or more of the well-established eco-labels. Company buyers are responsible to ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account in purchasing/procurement for the company.
The Bluetest operations consume energy in the form of heat, hot water and electricity. Bluetest strives to reduce energy consumption, and tries to ensure that the energy used is environmentally certified.
We ensure that our logistic partners can present and support an environmental awareness and abide to their environmental policy. Transportation is an indispensable part of the Bluetest business. With increasing concern about climate change, emissions dioxide emissions from transportation come into focus. We can make environmental benefits by reducing the numbers of transports, which is often a matter of planning to ensure that well-loaded vehicles arrive and leave the company.
The small amount of chemicals that are used shall be chosen by least environmental impact, while still being efficient.
In the case of business travel, we consider and choose the most environmentally friendly options, such as train instead of flying. If and when possible, videoconferencing should be used instead of travel.