Performance of mobile phone devices: Is there ever any real difference?
- Robert Rehammar, CTO, Bluetest
In April 2019, Bluetest participated in Northern Europe’s largest science festival, the 'Vetenskapsfestivalen', in Gothenburg, co-hosting a special educational event for 8th grade school children, with a focus on microwave technology.
OTA measurements of LTE-Advanced devices with multiple carriers and higher order MIMO
The rapid increase in number of used carriers and MIMO streams in modern LTE devices introduce new challenges when measuring radio performance. This white paper gives an introduction to Over-the-Air (OTA) measurements of such devices and what to consider when moving from a conducted measurement to measurements in a multipath faded OTA environment.
Throughput Measurements
The current trend in active device over-the-air (OTA) testing is to characterize the system performance via data throughput. With Bluetest measurement software the throughput can be measured at either IP or MAC layer in a fast, repeatable, and convenient way.